Is it health insurance, life insurance, long term care insurance,
disability insurance, property and casualty insurance, or auto
insurance? If you are reviewing or summarizing a life insurance policy,
specify what type of life insurance policy it is : term life, whole
life, universal life or variable life.
Insurance Carrier
Who is the insurance company that provides the insurance? Keep
track of a customer service number you can call, or the contact
information for your insurance agent.
Policy Number
You will always need your policy number when you call and ask questions about an insurance policy.
Date Issued
It is important to know the date the insurance was issued
especially when it comes to life insurance, as term insurance has an
expiration date, and permanent insurance will have a surrender charge
that may apply if you cancel the policy in the first five to twenty
Premium Required
Always keep track of the premium you pay and how frequently it is
paid. In the case of a whole life insurance policy, the policy could be
paid up. In that case if you were creating a policy summary you would
write " No premiums required at this time as premiums are being paid by
the dividends inside the policy. " For other types of insurance, you
might list something like “Premium of $225 per month paid by automatic
deduction form checking account. ”
Who do the benefits apply to ; you, your spouse, a dependent child?
Once you understand the basic components, you can review the details of the insurance policy.
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